How to turn a Piglin into a Zombified Piglin in Minecraft

This Minecraft tutorial explains how to turn a piglin into a zombified piglin with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.

With a few simple steps, you can change any piglin into a zombified piglin yourself. Let's explore how to do this in the game.

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Required Materials

In Minecraft, these are the required materials to turn a piglin into a zombified piglin:

Steps to turn a Piglin into a Zombified Piglin

1. Wear Golden Armor

Piglins are naturally Hostile mobs that will attack you. But if you are wearing any golden armor, they will become Neutral and won't attack you (unless you provoke them).

So make sure you are wearing at least one piece of golden armor. You can choose from: golden helmet, golden chestplate, golden leggings or golden boots.

golden helmet golden chestplate golden leggings golden boots

In this example, we will wear a golden helmet to keep the piglin from attacking while transforming it into a zombified piglin.

how to turn piglin into zombified piglin

2. Find a Piglin

Next, you need to find a piglin. Piglins can be found in the Crimson Forest biome or in the Bastion Remnant, both of which are in the Nether dimension.

Crimson Forest

piglin in crimson forest biome

Bastion Remnant

inside of bastion remnant

This is what a piglin looks like:


If you are having trouble finding a piglin, you can summon a piglin using a cheat or you can use a spawn egg.

3. Push the Piglin through the Nether Portal

Now, you need to push the piglin through the Nether Portal to get it to the Overworld (from the Nether). To do this, just continue to bump into the piglin to move it towards the portal.

how to turn piglin into zombified piglin

4. Piglin will Transform into Zombified Piglin

Once the piglin enters the Overworld, it will start to shake slightly because it is transforming.

how to turn piglin into zombified piglin

After 15 seconds, the piglin will transform into a zombified piglin and you will see purple particles all around it.

how to turn piglin into zombified piglin

Congratulations, you just learned how to turn a piglin into a zombified piglin in Minecraft.

Things to Do with Piglins

Here are some activities that you can do with piglins in Minecraft: