Minecraft ID and Name Lists

Each item, block, entity, mob, enchantment, status effect and sound effect in Minecraft has an ID and Name assigned to it. These internal game values are essential to know when performing commands and cheats such as /give, /summon, /enchant, /effect or /stopsound. IDs and Names are also used extensively in Command Blocks.

Here is the list of IDs and Names in Minecraft.



Status Effects


Color Codes/Format Codes

Horse Variants

Sound Effects



Patterns (for Banners and Shields)


Example of how to use an Item

Starting in Minecraft 1.8, you will need to know the name of an item when using the /give command.

For example, you use the gold_block name in the /give command when you want to give the player called DigMinecraft 4 blocks of gold.

/give DigMinecraft gold_block 4

Example of how to use an Entity

You can use the /summon command to summon entities and mobs in the game.

For example in Minecraft 1.9, you can use the EnderDragon entity value to summon an ender dragon that is about to perform a breath attack.

/summon EnderDragon ~ ~ ~ {DragonPhase:7}

Example of how to use an Enchantment

You can enchant the armor, weapons, and tools that you are holding by using the /enchant command.

For example, you can use the /enchant command to enchant the item that the player called DigMinecraft is holding with Blast Protection IV.

/enchant DigMinecraft blast_protection 4

In this example, blast_protection is the name of the enchantment and 4 is the level of the enchantment to add.

You could also have used the ID value to add the enchantment:

/enchant DigMinecraft 3 4

Both commands would result in the item held by DigMinecraft to be enchanted with Blast Protection IV.

Example of how to use a Status Effect

You can give a player an effect (ie: potion effect) that is either helpful or harmful by using the /effect command.

For example, you can use the /effect command to give the player DigMinecraft the effect called Fire Resistance for 30 seconds:

/effect DigMinecraft fire_resistance 30 60

In this example, fire_resistance is the name of the effect, 30 is the number of seconds that the effect will last, and 60 is the amplifier.

You could also have used the ID value to add the effect:

/effect DigMinecraft 12 30 60

Both commands would result in DigMinecraft having the Fire Resistance effect for 30 seconds.

Example of how to use a Sound Effect

Knowing the name of a sound effect comes in handy when you want to stop a sound from playing. Starting in Minecraft 1.9.3, you can use the /stopsound command to stop sound effects in the game.

For example, you can stop the Creative music sound effect for the player named DigMinecraft.

/stopsound DigMinecraft music minecraft:music.creative